A Christmas message from a Megastar

Yes folks, it’s that time of year again when you earth dwellers celebrate Christmas and we Grimniens celebrate Grimnious!

It’s been a busy year and I’ve made some lovely new friends – including several French ones! I’ve never known a French person before and despite what people say they are very nice! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Many of the new hidden gems from series two have also joined our gang, not least the lovely Virginie from Laughing With The Raindrops who is now my second in command which means I can relax even more and get her to do the dirty work erm tweet for me when I’m not around! Also my current girlfriend Karlia Veritas who is also a welcome new member of our team.

I should also mention a few other people who have been tweeting a lot for us which is very much appreciated, they are Ghostly Beard, Karena K, Ally from Ally’s Attic Show, Lee from the Puss Puss band and James Bacon. Not forgetting our very own Glass gargling Glaswegian the inimitable Wily Bo Walker! If I’ve forgotten to mention anyone here, tough!

There will definitely be a series three of Hidden Gems next year as the slots are all but filled:-) There is also a very exciting event in the pipeline, the very first interview with your very own Megastar will be taking place in 2018 on Ally’s show, date to be confirmed due to me being a very busy – and much in demand – Megastar! I decided to accept Ally’s invitation as she is awesome:-) The only downside to this news is that I believe Morton Balthus is also trying to slither his way in to he interview as well. The slimy clam just won’t be left out of anything.๐Ÿ˜’

Keep your eyes peeled for the announcement and make sure you don’t miss this historic event! If I don’t get at least 50 million listeners I will be pulling out, you have been warned.

My ex fiancee AnMarie has resigned from our team (How dare she!) due to work commitments but is still a good friend and continues to tweet when she has time:-)

I might update the team page on my blog if I can get some time away from my pool and lemonade parties:-)

Apart from Steve Luff’s brilliant radio show our gang have also discovered more shows including Limehead radio and The after 8 show. Unfortunately I can’t possibly tune in to every radio show on the internet but I try to listen whenever I can, they all do sterling work constantly promoting new talent – of which there is certainly no shortage on this planet!

So all that remains to be said is A VERY Happy and Peaceful Christmas (Happy Grimnious andย Joyeux Noรซl) to all of the Grimnien team and our very loyal followers. Here’s hoping 2018 will be as action packed as 2017 in Twitterland:-)

Love Gongle x


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